Why a Blog?

In 2018, I decided to keep a journal about my garden, to help myself keep track of plants I purchased and planted, what lived and died, ideas for improvements, etc. I just opened a word document on my laptop (actually two…one for the production garden and one for the landscape), and started typing. Those documents, still stored on my laptop, are now 62 and 33 pages long, respectively. Not only am I afraid of losing them if something happens to my computer, but it’s super difficult to find a particular entry. I didn’t realize how often I would reference my journals. Also, while I have added some photos to the Word docs, it’s clunky, and not the best way to integrate the prose with the photos. I’ve also kept a folder full of photographs of the garden, one for each year, and try to get out and take pictures of everything a few times each season. It would be nice to be able to match up the photos with a story, and have it all in one place.

Now, I’ve tried creating blogs in the past, and each time it’s ended in utter failure and me in tears. I don’t want to learn about all of the stuff that goes into making a blog, or watch a hundred tutorials about SEO, widgets, etc. I just want to write content and have it be organized and nice looking, both for myself and for anyone who happens to stumble upon it.

This time, I was determined to make it work. Mostly because I REALLY want my stuff more organized and sharable, and out in the cloud instead of on my laptop. But also, I’ve wanted a little blog to mess with for YEARS, but I never could figure it out on my own, and never had the money to pay someone to help me. At this stage of my life, I’m blessed with a (little) bit of disposable income, so here’s my blog (which I think is already messed up), and if I can’t figure it out on my own, I’ll pay someone to do it for me. No tears this time!

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